Psychological Skills Press


Psychological skills are the competences that make life better. Academic and work skills are part of the set. So are the skills traditionally the bailiwick of mental health professionals: productivity, joyousness, kindness, fortitude, decision-making, conflict-resolution, nonviolence, and self-discipline are examples. These skills lead toward happiness and success, and are at least partial antidotes to anxiety, depression, attention disorders, and other mental health problems. Psychological skills may be taught and learned. Effective learning of these skills is central not only to solving and preventing mental health problems, but also to the full development of any human being. If you are interested in getting better at psychological skills, or helping other people to do so, this site aims to help.  

If you're interested in literacy and reading instruction, please click here.

If you want to look at the books and CD's published by Psychological Skills Press, please click here.

If you want to look at the information presented here on topics of parenting, anxiety, depression, self-control, conflict-resolution, teaching of reading, teaching psychological skills through stories and plays, media violence, helping children finish tasks, and others, please click here.




Psychological Skills Press is dedicated to teaching psychological skills. We make available quality books and recordings  in the fields of child and adult psychotherapy, psychological self-help, conflict resolution, nonviolence, child-rearing, parenting, education, literacy training, cognitive therapy, and psychoeducation.

Psychological Skills Press aims not only to sell published materials, but also to provide helpful information to our visitors to this site.

The philosophy of psychological skills aims us toward grand goals for the continued improvement of human society: reduction and eventual elimination of violence, cruelty, ignorance, and poverty; prevention of a substantial fraction of mental disorders; and promotion of happiness and harmony among people. Of course, Psychological Skills Press can make only a small contribution toward these lofty goals. But we hold high hopes for the general enterprise of  making evidenced-based decisions on 1) which patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior work best in which situations, and 2) how people can best learn to carry out skillful patterns.  



The books, CD's, and website information furnished by Psychological Skills Press have been written by Joseph Strayhorn, Jr., M.D. Dr. Strayhorn was educated at Amherst College (undergraduate school) Northwestern University (medical school) Duke University (psychiatry residency) and University of Pittsburgh (child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship).  For 35 years he has been interested in the topic of learning-based approaches to mental health: what competences can people learn that make their lives better? He has carried out research, supported by the National Institute of Mental Health and private foundations, on parenting of young children, the use of stories and dramatic play in teaching psychological skills, the teaching of reading, and other topics. He has worked with patients throughout his professional life, and has been listed in Woodward/White's Best Doctors in America. He has been on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and School Psychology Quarterly. He is a homeschooling father. He founded Psychological Skills Press to make available to a wider public the educational materials he has composed throughout his professional lifetime so far.


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